Monthly Archive: June 2022
Kids Jaman Shell While votr-shell is one of the most useful shell among the mini shell family, it allows you to stand out in the server with its features.
[shell txt="" icerik="Kids Jaman shell" rar="" baslik="Kids Jaman Shell" link=""][/shell]...
Date : 26.06.22
Mr Secretz Shell This shell, coded in 2016, will help you dominate the server thanks to its features. Also cgi-telnet feature is available.
[shell txt="" icerik="Mr Secretz shell" rar="" baslik="Mr Secretz Shell" link=""][/shell]...
Date : 26.06.22
Antichat Shell There is a reason we share these shells. It may seem simple and bad, but the sheller that is not caught by antiviruses is always a simple shells.
file edit
file upload
command line
[shell txt="" icerik="Antichat shell" rar="" baslik="Antichat Shell" link=""][/shell]...
Date : 26.06.22
Saudi Shell symlink bypass shell download free.
[shell txt="" icerik="Saudi shell" rar="" baslik="Saudi Shell" link=""][/shell]...
Date : 26.06.22
Zaco Shell Small PHP Web Shell by ZaCo (c) from 2004-2006 you can use small to large jobs
[shell txt="" icerik="Zaco shell" rar="" baslik="Zaco Shell" link=""][/shell]...
Date : 25.06.22
Sadrazam Shell
We will talk about PHPSPY SHELL features that have not lost their originality.
One of the biggest features of Phpspy Shell is that it can run on every server and it is comfortable to use and has plenty of functions and password protection. Phpspy shell is actually an old shell.
Site and Server features
File Manager
MySQL Manager
Upload & Download
Execute Command
PHP Variable
Eval PHP Code
password: angel
Date : 25.06.22
Commandline Shell We are here with the command line shell, which is a compilation of simple and useful features.
ID: shell
PW: shell
[shell txt="" icerik="Commandline shell" rar="" baslik="Commandline Shell" link=""][/shell]...
Date : 25.06.22
Ani Shell We are here with the updated version of Ani-Shell, let's talk about the features right away.
Auto Rooter (New)
With auto rooter, it automatically scans for certain vulnerabilities on the server and when it finds it gives you root authority, we have added new current vulnerabilities 🙂
Command Line this shell with a simple command line does its job really well.
DDOS ( Working )
Shell, which has its own ddoser, allows you to direct the power of the server t...
Date : 25.06.22
Anonghost Shell is all in one shell which includes everything for hackers. Servers will scared of you because Anonghost Shell can't be detected.
Back Connect
Mass Zone-h
Directory Search
Ddos (Updated)
Skype Bruter ( Updated )
Bluehost Bypass
Hostgator Bypass
OVH Bypass
Cpanel Bruter
domain list
Mysql Connection
IIS 7.5 Bypass
CGI Telnet
Vbullet Bypass
LiteSpeed ​​Bypass
Safe Mode bypass
Brute Force
Date : 25.06.22
Mini Shell aka W3LL M!N! SH3LL
As you know, Mini-Shell is on the right and in addition to being useful, it contains:
file upload
delete file ( Delete)
Permission (Chmod)
edit option (Edit)
[shell txt="" icerik="Mini shell" rar="" baslik="Mini Shell" link=""][/shell]...
Date : 25.06.22