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Monthly Archive: April 2024

How To Hacking A Website?

How Websites Can Be Hacked: A Brief Overview In today's digital age, website security is paramount. However, despite advancements in cybersecurity, websites can still be vulnerable to various hacking techniques. Understanding these methods can help website owners and developers better protect their online assets. Here's a brief overview of how websites can be hacked: 1. SQL Injection (SQLi) SQL Injection is one of the most common hacking techniques. It involves inserting malicious SQL c...

Date : 14.04.24

C99 shell is one of the most popular web-based shell tools

C99 shell is one of the most popular web-based shell tools on the internet. This tool allows users to access and manage remote servers. It is important to note that C99 shell is essentially a coding tool. It is often used during internet security tests, allowing users to easily monitor background processes by accessing a server. Due to its web-based nature, C99 shell is very easy for users to use. One of the biggest advantages of C99 shell is that a user can access a server with just a web br...

Date : 14.04.24